The restoration phrase will necessarily involve a lot of sandblasting. The body shell will soon be towed up to Classic Car Blasting, but many smaller parts will be handled in our own blast cabinet. We’ve been working with Tacoma Pro-Blast for several months to upgrade a consumer Home Depot cabinet…
Kriss Motors says:We installed the standard box with 15 fuses and 7 relays...
Kriss Motors says:
happy170 says:
erik juelsen says:
Kriss Motors says:
- says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
AllanWood says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
Kriss Motors says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
Peter Boston says: