Unlike the upper wishbone that is assembled in two halves, the lower wishbone is a single piece with a fulcrum shaft that passes through the front suspension crossmember. The shaft ends are secured with crown nuts and split pins; unfortunately, all the nuts and pins were rusted together. Removal of…
Kriss Motors says:We installed the standard box with 15 fuses and 7 relays...
Kriss Motors says:
happy170 says:
erik juelsen says:
Kriss Motors says:
tommyrae1234@gmail.com says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
AllanWood says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
Kriss Motors says:
Kriss Motors says:
Eric Tyler says:
Kriss Motors says:
Peter Boston says: